DIY in the Classroom
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DIY in the Classroom

One of the things I enjoy most about teaching and classroom set up is making my own games and other materials for use in the classroom. Sometimes the things I make are simple and work out great in the classroom and other times the things that I make need a little tweaking along the way. In either case, I love the challenge of creating new teaching tools that I can use in my classroom or new games and tools that my students can explore in their own unique ways.

Here are some of the games my teachers and I have made for our classroom...

Parking lot name game

Which parking spot has your name on it? The children were invited to find out as they headed over to our parking lot name game throughout the morning!

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Fall leaves at the light table

A really good light table can make all the difference in the classroom experience of using a light table. I am sharing about our new light table and exploring fall leaves with our leaf windows!

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DIY Memory Box

Since my Pre-K children will be moving on to a new school, we have been enjoying exploring some of our favorite memories and playing some memory games too!

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